Lately in the month of september and november, bad thing goes good and good gone bad. Luck run to unlucky and to the no lady luck end up having lucky.
Like it said what goes around come around my friend. Yes, if you all knew what had happen to my beloved friend. Kenji* and kate*. Well i did feel so sorry that i did not turn up in your wedding day last week, i have knew them for a long time is fun to guess and all of us act like we did not want to believe it, but now the true did turn the table around to us in a shock that goes into the nerve of our back-bone. Which it was a surprise to the will of us, that we have got message and call that has gone wild on that day. Where thank to Tommy* who is the first guy that call me up in the middle of the night where i was sleeping... "Darryl... got news to let you know Kate have got knocked up!!!"

That later bring a shock to me, well i am so sorry hear that Kenji and Kate. Scream as much as you want Kenji but the mistake you had did is a lesson to all of us out there. Accident like this happen to you and your wife and your new born baby serious can show us all out there a lesson to learn. Well hope that the years of your working income and your saving do gave help. As in any extra help from the group let us know. We will gave you a hand, just open up your mouth.
(name has been change to hide the identity).