Saturday, July 18, 2009

Words that swin around in my mind!!!

"you are the children of the future."

"Your ideas of the future is in your hand."

"What you have work for from the day you were born is the new area of tomorrow."

"Hardwork pay off in success, suffer now then later..."

"All big empire you want to build, started with a low education."

"Success is the key to a better future career..."

"Who is your father?"

"What is given and what is the return?"

Lately this words has hit back into my mind of what people had said to me, like i just come back from death. Yes, it swim throe like a shark which is ready to attack any fish that swim pass it.
Short but a deep cut in my skin and flash for asking mercy.

I want to thank you all who said this words. It is a words that i will keep in till i have arrive to my target as someone who i want to be.

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