So the trip take place on 11 December 2009 at 12:45pm which my final paper have ended. I race my time back to the School Parking lot to get my beloved baby X-Trail, then take a short distant to go back home, pack my stuff like no tomorrow as well as call up Calvin aka:- CY for lunch as he does not have paper on that day. So my time that reach it home and had my lunch with him end up around 2:25 pm, which i had forget about my car petrol left how much till i need 2 drive slowly back to my Dad office for some money to pump up the car. Then take the MRR 2 highway to Jeff house. Ect.. ect... ect
Skip the boring part for now to the Trip.
Well everything start late. Timing for alarm is all set wrong in waking up in 6.00 am. Trip start smooth with our breakfast as well as buying our lunch on economic noodles to bring there an have it. Destination to Fish Valley, took around a 30~40 minutes for the three of us.
Well here is a few picture for everyone to see how the nature is around Fish Valley,
As well as some jack up picture of me in there. Laught out loud.
With the secret recipe for the bait... Fish days really smart, like they are taking class or something and they start to be very choosy this day.
As the bait is done. Morning, exercise on casting the bait to the pond to have a bit!!! And here the sound of my reels' spoon start to sprint out loud as if it was my alarm in the morning is waking me up. The fight was hard and long till it had to swim to the middle of the pond, reeling in my line following by the back with my fish and as well as my problem, a big waste of line till i had to put my rod down on to the old ways which is hand fishing in pulling back the fish up... And there the fish cut my line after the struggle which i did not feel about.
With the coming of next bit was Jeff. Another victim of Pucu, after my lost of line being cut by it, i could said that was a great fight for Jeff as how he fight along his way with a 8lbs mono-line running under his Daiwa reel plus with his Ugly Stick was a no match or no man game to play as any moment, line may break off easily in the long run with the fish... As the result it end up the fight in 30 minutes till the fish is safely landed into the net with the line break off, as i could say that sexy lady luck was on his side to let the fish ended the net then the line break off.
As the time goes by, the clock struck 12 pm sun was burning us in a BBQ section, on the skin and flash. As the hit was on again, Mr. Jeff had to struck on the run to his rod to fight again till he had reach his rod, his string broke off, as i could said that the result was really close to getting another one on the fish that hit the list is going to marvellous for all of us in term of total record we are holding one another. After the lost of the lately fish we hit back to the chair and talk about Jeff skyline and my college life and course, 30 minutes my rod start to shake hardly and line in my spoon run quick out at a speed of 50km/h, which make me dive to grab my rod to have a good fight and end up with a 15 minures then the hook was loosen up on it mouth. At that moment i have start to thing back of the speed was it pucu or patin.
Well till the everning we had to hit back to Jeff house as the sun really burn us up in a strong heat, packing up back to Jeff house to have a rest that end up we all sleep till 9pm.
I hope this will help you out for those which is looking forward to catch some fish in the practice of Catch and Release in preserving the future generation of your children to the hobby in fish, i would recommend Fish Valley, as to come for your future journey.
Darryl a.k.a Polar Bear.
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