Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sad day for my Nokia...

How am i going to start the sad day of my phone,
yes my dear N80 Nokia...
i am sorry to drop you into a pool of water.

Well you all should know that this year 2009 is having alot of rain like any year thank for the rain that i fall down in front of OldTown... Jerry stupit, you drop me off there as is so wet...
Well when coming down from the car...
Me and Chicken run into OldTown to get shutter for protection as we dont want to get wet cause later we are going to Pavilion to buy Fai birthday present...
When run into the shutter i slip and fall even my pants got wet...
Worst still my handphone got off from my hand and fall into the floor and ski into a pool of water where i had to put in my hand and take it out.
man the pool was like 1 feet deep la.

Now i am so sad that i had to use back my soney ericsson K700 again.
Laught my ass out... looking at that phone.
Well till the end went back home with a tapau or bungkus plastic bag of my dear Nokia N80 from OldTown...

now i am using it.

yap my best phone...

A promise that i won't go Clubbing anymore...
A promise that i won't make a mistake of going to a place with out telling you...
the journey that we had started from that time has a limit to where man and woman had promise not to do...
A promise that i let you know where i am going...
A promise that i need to be independence when you are away...
A promise that i wait for you to come back safely...

To: Keng Leng with love.

May god be with you in London.

Famous People, Famous Words...10

Pope John Paul II

Faced with today's problems and disappointments, many people will try to escape from their responsibility. Escape in selfishness, escape in sexual pleasure, escape in drugs, escape in violence, escape in indifference and cynical attitudes. I propose to you the option of love, which is the opposite of escape."

"This people draws its origin from Abraham, our father in faith The very people that received from God the commandment Thou shalt not kill itself experienced in a special measure what is meant by killing. It is not permissible for anyone to pass by this inscription with indifference."

"Science develops best when its concepts and conclusions are integrated into the broader human culture and its concerns for ultimate meaning and value. Scientists cannot, therefore, hold themselves entirely aloof from the sorts of issues dealt with by philosophers and theologians. By devoting to these issues something of the energy and care they give to their research in science, they can help others realize more fully the human potentialities of their discoveries. They can also come to appreciate for themselves that these discoveries cannot be a genuine substitute for knowledge of the truly ultimate. Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish."

"The Jewish religion is not extrinsic to us but in a certain way intrinsic to our own religion. With Judaism, therefore, we have a relationship which we do not have with any other religion. You are our dearly beloved brothers, and, in a certain way, it can be said that you are our elder brothers."

"All human activity takes place within a culture and interacts with culture. For an adequate formation of a culture, the involvement of the whole man is required, whereby he exercises his creativity, intelligence, and knowledge of the world and of people. Furthermore, he displays his capacity for self-control, personal sacrifice, solidarity and readiness to promote the common good."

"Man is called to a fullness of life which far exceeds the dimensions of his earthly existence, because it consists in sharing the very life of God. The loftiness of this supernatural vocation reveals the greatness and the inestimable value of human life even in its temporal phase."

"You applaud, even though you don't understand me."

"Never again war. Never again hatred and intolerance."

"Not all are called to be artists in the specific sense of the term. Yet, as Genesis has it, all men and women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life: in a certain sense, they are to make of it a work of art, a masterpiece."

"God of our fathers, you chose Abraham and his descendants to bring your name to the nations: We are deeply saddened by the behavior of those who in the course of history have caused these children of yours to suffer, and, asking your forgiveness, we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the covenant."

"The twentieth century was the great century of Christian martyrs, and this is true both in the Catholic Church and in other Churches and ecclesial communities."

"Could I forget that the event [Mehmet Ali Ağca’s assassination attempt] in St. Peter’s Square took place on the day and at the hour when the first appearance of the Mother of Christ to the poor little pesants has been remembered for over sixty years at Fátima, Portugal? For in everything that happened to me on that very day, I felt that extraordinary motherly protection and care, which turned out to be stronger than the deadly bullet."

"I have looked for you. Now you have come to me. And I thank you."

"I am happy and you should be happy too. Do not weep. Let us pray together with joy."

"As in the time of the swords and of the spears,so today,in the time of the missiles,before the weapon,the heart of the man kills"

This word is the final word before his death

"Do not be afraid to open your heart to Jesus... I'm begging you, please do not be afraid."

Anything done for another is done for oneself.

Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.

From now on it is only through a conscious choice and through a deliberate policy that humanity can survive.

Man always travels along precipices. His truest obligation is to keep his balance.

Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it.

Do not lose heart! The steeper the road the faster it rises toward ever wider horizons.

The future starts today, not tomorrow.

Darkness can only be scattered by light, hatred can only be conquered by love. The worst prison would be a closed heart.

One discovers the common values of every culture, capable of uniting and not dividing.

The Holy Land needs bridges, not walls.

As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.

Marriage is an act of will that signifies and involves a mutual gift, which unites the spouses and binds them to their eventual souls, with whom they make up a sole family - a domestic church.

To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.

The fear of making permanent commitments can change the mutual love of husband and wife into two loves of self-two loves existing side by side, until they end in separation.

The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.

The cemetery of the victims of human cruelty in our century is extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn.

Humanity should question itself, once more, about the absurd and always unfair phenomenon of war, on whose stage of death and pain only remain standing the negotiating table that could and should have prevented it.

The United Nations organization has proclaimed 1979 as the Year of the Child. Are the children to receive the arms race from us as a necessary inheritance?

Social justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence kills what it intends to create.

Violence and war can never resolve the problems of men.

: Violence and arms can never resolve the problems of men.

War is a defeat for humanity.

Wars generally do not resolve the problems for which they are fought and therefore... prove ultimately futile.

War should belong to the tragic past, to history: it should find no place on humanity's agenda for the future.

Man matures through work. Which inspires him to difficult good.

Work bears a particular mark of man and of humanity, the mark of a person operating within a community of persons.

I have a sweet tooth for song and music. This is my Polish sin.

I hope to have communion with the people, that is the most important thing.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

001. Real Name: Darryl Low
002. Nickname(s): Darryl, Naga, Kiddo, Fish & ect
003. Age: 17 years old
004. Zodiac Sign: Pisces
005. Male or Female: Male
006. Elementary: Secret
007. Middle School: Secret
008. High School: Sri Garden
009. College School: GIA
010. Hair colour: This is not important
011. Long or Short: Short
012. Loud or Quiet: me like it both
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone
015. Health Freak: can said some time la...
016. Drink or Smoke: yap i do both but now trying to cut down
017. Do you have a crush on someone: What do you thing... everyone have crush
018. Eat or Drink: Both!
019. Piercings: Going to get one
020. Tattoos: yap going to get one before i died. that for sure
021. Social or Anti-Social: Social for sure
022. First Piercing: Going to get it soon...
023. First Relationship: Yeah ^___^
024. First Best Friend: Secret la.(Later people hap cho)
025. First Award: yap is at my old school
026. First Kiss: Cant remember when kiss too many
027. First Pet: Hamsters...died a few weeks later.
028. First Big Vacation: The only big vacation is by myself not with my parents.
029. First Love at first sight: First love is so long story but there is one out there now.
030. First Big Birthday: Not even a single one in my life only in club la... celebrate with ppl i know and don't know.


049. Eating: Salad
050. Drink: A bottle of mineral water.
051. Excitement Level: Right this moment i dont this so...
052. I'm about to: Go take my second bath.
053. Listening to: Trance.
054. Plan for today: Maybe going to workout!
055. Waiting for: Secret. Only my good buddy will know.
056. Energy Level: Just woke yeah.
057. Thinking of someone: YES!!
058. Want kids?: That had to depend on her
059. Want to get married?: Wait till my parents to nag at me first... or she can't hold on.
060. Careers in mind?: Sell diamonds... how many time do i need to said

Which is better in the boy/girl you like

068. Lips or Eyes?: I will go with both too.
069. Romantic or Funny?: I go with both.
070. Shorter or Taller?: Anything also can.
071. Protective or Caring?: Well let it be the girl who is Caring and the boy is Protrctive.
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: I will go with both also.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: I don't know,as long as you like someone,anything doesn't matter.
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Anything also can.
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: That i don't Know.

Have you ever

080. Lost glasses or contacts: Once on everything
081. Ran away from home: Few time ready.
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Well is a knife...
083. Killed somebody: Na... if not i will be at jill for sure and not doing this Tag.
084. Broken someone's heart: Secret.
085. Been arrested: Nealy going too. Is at one club in K.L
087. Cried when someone died: Yap got...

Do you believe in

089. Yourself: Of course.
090. Miracles: I don't thing so.
091. Love at first sight: NO
092. Heaven: Now heaven... I don't believe in go you go ask me this.
093. Santa Claus: AH... THAT IS MY Parents for sure
094. Tooth Fairy: THAT IS MY DENTIST
095. Kiss in the first date: Secret...


097. Is there someone you would want to be with right now?: Yap but you are now in London for course... Need for you o come back till May.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now?: Well as long you ask what you want and get what you want. that for sure i am happy.
099. Do you believe in God?: NO not at all they are all people who had made history that for sure.
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Famous People, Famous Words...10

By: Bill Clinton

He won’t take the lead in protecting the environment and creating new jobs in environmental technologies for the 21st century, but I will. And you know what else? He doesn’t have Al Gore, and I do.

It is time to heal America. And so we must say to every American: Look beyond the stereotypes that blind us. We need each other. All of us—we need each other. We don't have a person to waste. And yet for too long politicians have told the most of us that are doing all right that what's really wrong with America is the rest of us. Them. Them, the minorities. Them, the liberals. Them, the poor. Them, the homeless. Them, the people with disabilities. Them, the gays. We've gotten to where we've nearly themed ourselves to death. Them and them and them. But this is America. There is no them; there's only us. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice, for all.

Posterity is the world to come; the world for whom we hold our ideals, from whom we have borrowed our planet, and to whom we bear sacred responsibility. We must do what America does best: offer more opportunity to all and demand responsibility from all.

Famous People, Famous Words...9

By:Diana, Princess of Wales.

When I started my public life, twelve years ago, I understood the media might be interested in what I did. I realized then their attention would inevitably focus on both our private and public lives. But I was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become. Nor the extent to which it would affect both my public duties and my personal life, in a manner, that's been hard to bear. At the end of this year, when I've completed my diary of official engagements, I will be reducing the extent of the public life I've lead so far.

I'd like to be a queen of people's hearts, in people's hearts, but I don't see myself being Queen of this country. I don't think many people will want me to be Queen.

I do things differently, because I don't go by a rule book, because I lead from the heart, not the head, and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work, I understand that.

Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back.

Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can.

Don't call me an icon. I'm only a mother trying to help.

They say that it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise, like moderately rich and just moody?

Family is the most important thing in the world.

Any sane person would have left long ago. But I cannot. I have my sons.

Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I have a woman's instinct, and it's always a good one.

Call me Diana, not Princess Diana.

HIV does not make someone dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands and give them a hug; heaven knows they need it.

Only in storybooks do you get to dance with a princess until midnight. But it happened to me.

After dinner at a friends house, Diana said, 'Do you have a pair of Marigolds?' I'll do the washing up. The host convinced her there was no need!

She was fun and accessible, thats why people loved her.

We clicked in an intangible way' probably because of our upbringing.

Famous People, Famous Words...8

Martin Luther King, Jr.

You know my friends, there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled by the iron feet of oppression ... If we are wrong, the Supreme Court of this nation is wrong. If we are wrong, the Constitution of the United States is wrong. And if we are wrong, God Almighty is wrong. If we are wrong, Jesus of Nazareth was merely a utopian dreamer that never came down to Earth. If we are wrong, justice is a lie, love has no meaning. And we are determined here in Montgomery to work and fight until justice runs down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream.

True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.

Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated.

Man is man because he is free to operate within the framework of his destiny. He is free to deliberate, to make decisions, and to choose between alternatives. He is distinguished from animals by his freedom to do evil or to do good and to walk the high road of beauty or tread the low road of ugly degeneracy.

I submit to you that if a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.

A riot is the language of the unheard.

The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. ... Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Many of the ugly pages of American history have been obscured and forgotten. A society is always eager to cover misdeeds with a cloak of forgetfulness, but no society can fully repress an ugly past when the ravages persist into the present. America owes a debt of justice which it has only begun to pay. If it loses the will to finish or slackens in its determination, history will recall its crimes and the country that would be great will lack the most element of greatness — justice.

Ultimately a genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus.

On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, "Is it safe?" Expediency asks the question, "Is it politic?" And Vanity comes along and asks the question, "Is it popular?" But Conscience asks the question "Is it right?" And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right. I believe today that there is a need for all people of good will to come together with a massive act of conscience and say in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "We ain't goin' study war no more." This is the challenge facing modern man.

I say to you that our goal is freedom, and I believe we are going to get there because however much she strays away from it, the goal of America is freedom. Abused and scorned though we may be as a people, our destiny is tied up in the destiny of America.

When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews, You are talking anti-Semitism.

I am not interested in power for power's sake, but I'm interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.

I endorse it. I think it was correct. Contrary to what many have said, it sought to outlaw neither prayer nor belief in god. In a pluralistic society such as ours, who is to determine what prayer shall be spoken and by whom? Legally, constitutionally or otherwise, the state certainly has no such right.

If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas.

The strong man holds in a living blend strongly marked opposites. The idealists are usually not realistic, and the realists are not usually idealistic. The militant are not generally known to be passive, nor the passive to be militant. Seldom are the humble self-assertive, or the self-assertive humble. But life at its best is a creative synthesis of opposites in fruitful harmony. The philosopher Hegel said that truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in the emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.

Jesus recognized the need for blending opposites. He knew that his disciples would face a difficult and hostile world, where they would confront the recalcitrance of political officials and the intransigence of the protectors of the old order. He knew that they would meet cold and arrogant men whose hearts had been hardened by the long winter of traditionalism. ... And he gave them a formula for action, "Be ye therefore as wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." ... We must combine the toughness of the serpent with the softness of the dove, a tough mind and a tender heart.

The tough mind is sharp and penetrating, breaking through the crust of legends and myths and sifting the true from the false. The tough-minded individual is astute and discerning. He has a strong austere quality that makes for firmness of purpose and solidness of commitment.
Who doubts that this toughness is one of man's greatest needs? Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.

Softmindedness often invades religion. ... Softminded persons have revised the Beautitudes to read "Blessed are the pure in ignorance: for they shall see God." This has led to a widespread belief that there is a conflict between science and religion. But this is not true. There may be a conflict between softminded religionists and toughminded scientists, but not between science and religion. ... Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals. They are complementary.

There is little hope for us until we become toughminded enough to break loose from the shackles of prejudice, half-truths, and downright ignorance. The shape of the world today does not permit us the luxury of softmindedness. A nation or civilization that continues to produce softminded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan.
But we must not stop with the cultivation of a tough mind. The gospel also demands a tender heart. ... What is more tragic than to see a person who has risen to the disciplined heights of toughmindedness but has at the same time sunk to the passionless depths of hardheartedness?

The greatness of our God lies in the fact that He is both toughminded and tenderhearted.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. So when Jesus says "Love your enemies," he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition. ... The chain reaction of evil — hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars — must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts the human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. All segregation statutes are unjust because segregation distorts the soul and damages the personality. It gives the segregator a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority.

An unjust law is a code that a majority inflicts on a minority that is not binding on itself. This is difference made legal. On the other hand a just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow that it is willing to follow itself. This is sameness made legal.

In your statement you assert that our actions, even though peaceful, must be condemned because they precipitate violence. But is this a logical assertion? Isn't this like condemning a robbed man because his possession of money precipitated the evil act of robbery? Isn't this like condemning Socrates because his unswerving commitment to truth and his philosophical inquiries precipitated the act by the misguided populace in which they made him drink hemlock? Isn't this like condemning Jesus because his unique God-consciousness and never-ceasing devotion to God's will precipitated the evil act of crucifixion? We must come to see that, as the federal courts have consistently affirmed, it is wrong to urge an individual to cease his efforts to gain his basic constitutional rights because the quest may precipitate violence. Society must protect the robbed and punish the robber.

Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself, and that is what has happened to the American Negro. Something within has reminded him of his birthright of freedom, and something without has reminded him that it can be gained.

I have consistently preached that nonviolence demands that the means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek. I have tried to make clear that it is wrong to use immoral means to attain moral ends. But now I must affirm that it is just as wrong, or perhaps even more so, to use moral means to preserve immoral ends.

Never before have I written so long a letter. I'm afraid it is much too long to take your precious time. I can assure you that it would have been much shorter if I had been writing from a comfortable desk, but what else can one do when he is alone in a narrow jail cell, other than write long letters, think long thoughts, and pray long prayers?

Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away and the deep fog of misunderstanding will be lifted from our fear-drenched communities, and in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free.

One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.

When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

This note was a promise that all men, yes black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.

This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God's children. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.

The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair. I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state, sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time — the need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to violence and oppression. Civilization and violence are antithetical concepts… Sooner or later all the people of the world will have to discover a way to live together in peace, and thereby transform this pending cosmic elegy into a creative psalm of brotherhood. If this is to be achieved, man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.

I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction. I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.

The time is always right to do what’s right.

It is true that behavior cannot be legislated, and legislation cannot make you love me, but legislation can restrain you from lynching me, and I think that is kind of important.

Famous People, Famous Words...7

BY: Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom

Grief is the price we pay for love.

I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our great Imperial Family to which we all belong.

Football's a difficult business and aren't they prima donnas?

None of my Governments seem to know what to do about them.

I have a feeling that, in the end, probably, training is the answer to a great many things. You can do a lot if you're properly trained.

We are a moderate, pragmatic people, more comfortable with practice than theory.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Famous People, Famous Words...6

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis,
it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Holiness is not the luxury of the few; it is a simply duty, for you and for me, because Jesus has very clearly stated, "Be ye holy as my father in heaven is holy." So let us pray for each other that we grow in love for each other, and through this love become holy as Jesus wants us to be for he died out of love for us.
One day I met a lady who was dying of cancer in a most terrible condition. And I told her, I say, "You know, this terrible pain is only the kiss of Jesus — a sign that you have come so close to Jesus on the cross that he can kiss you." And she joined her hands together and said, "Mother Teresa, please tell Jesus to stop kissing me.

Unsourced variant or paraphrase: I think it is very good when people suffer. To me, that is like the kiss of Jesus.

But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?

I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people.

Be kind to each other in your homes. Be kind to those who surround you. I prefer that you make mistakes in kindness rather than that you work miracles in unkindness. Often just for one word, one look, one quick action, and darkness fills the heart of the one we love.

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.

I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I do know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, He will not ask, "How many good things have you done in your life?," rather He will ask, "How much love did you put into what you did?

A sacrifice to be real, must cost, must hurt, must empty ourselves. The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace.[1]

I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.

I see God in every human being. When I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord himself. Is it not a beautiful experience?

I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.

If we have no peace, it is because we forget we belong to each other.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.

It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless....

Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.

Love has a hem to her garment that reaches to the very dust. It sweeps the stains from the streets and lanes, and because it can, it must.

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.

Men do no great things, only small things with great love.

Peace begins with a smile.

Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other - it doesn't matter who it is - and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.

The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the unloved they are Jesus in disguise.

The greatest science in the world; in heaven and on earth; is love.

The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.

The success of love is in the loving — it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done.

There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. I do not agree with the big way of doing things.

When I see waste here, I feel angry on the inside. I don't approve of myself getting angry. But it's something you can't help after seeing Ethiopia.

When I was crossing into Gaza, I was asked at the checkpost whether I was carrying any weapons. I replied: Oh yes, my prayer books.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come.We have only today. Let us begin.

We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing.

If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong.

By: Mother Teresa.

Famous People, Famous Words...5

If any one were to ask me what in my opinion was the dullest and most stupid spot on the face of the Earth, I should decidedly say Chelmsford.

To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart.

The bright old day now dawns again; the cry runs through the the land,
In England there shall be dear bread—in Ireland, sword and brand;
And poverty, and ignorance, shall swell the rich and grand,
So, rally round the rulers with the gentle iron hand,
Of the fine old English Tory days;
Hail to the coming time!

O let us love our occupations,
Bless the squire and his relations,
Live upon our daily rations,
And always know our proper stations.

I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. Don't trust that conventional idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance, any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it.

Resisting the slow touch of a frozen finger tracing out my spine.

I used to sit, think, think, thinking, till I felt as lonesome as a kitten in a wash–house copper with the lid on.

Fan the sinking flame of hilarity with the wing of friendship; and pass the rosy wine.

In mind, she was of a strong and vigorous turn, having from her earliest youth devoted herself with uncommon ardour to the study of the law; not wasting her speculations upon its eagle flights, which are rare, but tracing it attentively through all the slippery and eel-like crawlings in which it commonly pursues its way.

Under an accumulation of staggerers, no man can be considered a free agent. No man knocks himself down; if his destiny knocks him down, his destiny must pick him up again.

In love of home, the love of country has its rise.

That vague kind of penitence which holidays awaken next morning.

Whether they were right or wrong in this conjecture, certain it is that minds, like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort, and like them, are often successfully cured by remedies in themselves very nauseous and unpalatable.

The men who learn endurance, are they who call the whole world brother.

Cows are my passion.

If you could see my legs when I take my boots off, you'd form some idea of what unrequited affection is.

He is a gentleman of strict conscience, disdainful of all littleness and meanness and ready on the shortest notice to die any death you may please to mention rather than give occasion for the least impeachment of his integrity. He is an honourable, obstinate, truthful, high-spirited, intensely prejudiced, perfectly unreasonable man.

"Oh, dear no, miss," he said. "This is a London particular." I had never heard of such a thing. "A fog, miss," said the young gentleman. "Oh, indeed!" said I.

Not to put too fine a point on it.

He had a cane, he had an eye-glass, he had a snuff-box, he had rings, he had wristbands, he had everything but any touch of nature; he was not like youth, he was not like age, he was not like anything in the world but a model of deportment.

It is a melancholy truth that even great men have their poor relations.

Not to put too fine a point upon it.

Take care, while you are young, that you can think in those days, 'I never whitened a hair of her dear head, I never marked a sorrowful line in her face!' For of all the many things that you can think when you are a man, you had better have that by you, Woolwich!

Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every order. Dead, men and women, born with Heavenly compassion in your hearts. And dying thus around us every day.

Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root out everything else. You can only form the minds of reasoning animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to them. This is the principle on which I bring up my own children, and this is the principle on which I bring up these children. Stick to Facts, sir!

There is a wisdom of the Head, and ... there is a wisdom of the Heart.

I am the only child of parents who weighed, measured, and priced everything; for whom what could not be weighed, measured, and priced, had no existence.

Whatever was required to be done, the Circumlocution Office was beforehand with all the public departments in the art of perceiving — HOW NOT TO DO IT.

Once a gentleman, and always a gentleman.

In the little world in which children have their existence whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt, as injustice. It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed to; but the child is small, and its world is small, and its rocking-horse stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big-boned Irish hunter.

My guiding star always is, Get hold of portable property.

Throughout life, our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people we most despise.

Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There's no better rule.

'And if it's proud to have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts,' Miss Jenny struck in, flushed, 'she is proud. And if it's not, she is NOT.'

Money and goods are certainly the best of references.

Professionally he declines and falls, and as a friend he drops into poetry.

I want to be something so much worthier than the doll in the doll's house.

That's the state to live and die in!...R-r-rich!

'No one is useless in this world,' retorted the Secretary, 'who lightens the burden of it for any one else.'

A day wasted on others is not wasted on one's self.

Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.

By: Charles Dickens

Friday, February 13, 2009

Famous People, Famous Words...4

It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come.

Religion does not mean just precepts, a temple, monastery, or other external signs, for these as well as hearing and thinking are subsidiary factors in taming the mind. When the mind becomes the practices, one is a practitioner of religion, and when the mind does not become the practices one is not.

What is the Great Vehicle? What is the mode of procedure of the Bodhisattva path? We begin with the topic of the altruistic intention to achieve enlightenment in which one values others more than oneself. The Great Vehicle path requires the vast motivation of a Bodhisattva, who, not seeking just his or her welfare, takes on the burden of bringing about the welfare of all sentient beings. When a person generate this attitude, they enter within the Great Vehicle, and as long as it has not been generated, one cannot be counted among those of the Great Vehicle. This attitude really has great power; it, of course, is helpful for people practicing religion, but it also is helpful for those who are just concerned with the affairs of this lifetime. The root of happiness is altruism — the wish to be of service to others.

I feel that the essence of spiritual practice is your attitude toward others. When you have a pure, sincere motivation, then you have right attitude toward others based on kindness, compassion, love and respect. Practice brings the clear realisation of the oneness of all human beings and the importance of others benefiting by your actions.

It is the enemy who can truly teach us to practice the virtues of compassion and tolerance.

I am a simple Buddhist monk — no more, no less.

Don't compare me with Jesus He is a great master, a great master...

I believe that in the 20th century, humanity has learned from many, many experiences. Some positive, and many negative. What misery, what destruction! The greatest number of human beings were killed in the two world wars of this century. But human nature is such that when we face a tremendous critical situation, the human mind can wake up and find some other alternative. That is a human capacity.

Reason well from the beginning and then there will never be any need to look back with confusion and doubt.

Human happiness and human satisfaction must ultimately come from within oneself. It is wrong to expect some final satisfaction to come from money or from a computer.

If there is love, there is hope that one may have real families, real brotherhood, real equanimity, real peace. If the love within your mind is lost and you see other beings as enemies, then no matter how much knowledge or education or material comfort you have, only suffering and confusion will ensue

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Within the body there are billions of different particles. Similarly, there are many different thoughts and a variety of states of mind. It is wise to take a close look into the world of your mind and to make the distinction between beneficial and harmful states of mind. Once you can recognize the value of good states of mind, you can increase or foster them.

We need a little more compassion, and if we cannot have it then no politician or even a magician can save the planet.

Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.

All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness ... the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.

Media people should have long noses like an elephant to smell out politicians, mayors, prime ministers and businessmen. We need to know the reality, the good and the bad, not just the appearance.

The time has come to educate people, to cease all quarrels in the name of religion, culture, countries, different political or economic systems. Fighting is useless. Suicide.

by: Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

Famous People, Famous Words...3

I accept that in a free society you have to justify reductions in people's liberties. I accept that, bearing in mind my starting point is that the most important human right is the right to life...

The most important civil liberty... is to stay alive and to be free from violence and death...

Truth is absolute, truth is supreme, truth is never disposable in national political life

I believed then, and I believe now, that if this country is to live up to its full potential and its highest ideals we must turn this around.

You can not legislate morality.

In the end, young people are at risk of being disinherited from their community if that community lacks the courage and confidence to teach its history.

I accept that climate change is a challenge, I accept the broad theory about global warming. I am sceptical about a lot of the more gloomy predictions.

To me, multiculturalism suggests that we can't make up our minds who we are or what we believe in.

I don't think it is wrong, racist, immoral or anything, for a country to say 'we will decide what the cultural identity and the cultural destiny of this country will be and nobody else'.

The central goal is to address the cancer of passive welfare and to create opportunity through education, employment and home ownership.

by: John Howard

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Famous People, Famous Words...2

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.

If one has no affection for a person or a system, one should feel free to give the fullest expression to his disaffection so long as he does not contemplate, promote, or incite violence.

Nonviolence is the first article of my faith. It is also the last article of my creed.

Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained.

To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woman. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man. If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she not greater powers of endurance, has she not greater courage? Without her, man could not be. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman?

If there ever could be a justifiable war in the name of and for humanity, a war against Germany, to prevent the wanton persecution of a whole race, would be completely justified. But I do not believe in any war. A discussion of the pros and cons of such a war is therefore outside my horizon or province.

The cry for the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it is sought in the Bible and the tenacity with which the Jews have hankered after return to Palestine. Why should they not, like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they are born and where they earn their livelihood?

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and in-human to impose the Jews on the Arabs.

I do not consider Hitler to be as bad as he is depicted. He is showing an ability that is amazing and seems to be gaining his victories without much bloodshed.

The ideally non-violent state will be an ordered anarchy. That State is the best governed which is governed the least.

My life is my message.

We need to be the change we wish to see in the world.

I regard myself as a soldier, though a soldier of peace.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

I worship God as Truth only. I have not yet found Him, but I am seeking after Him.

Hate the sin and love the sinner.

by: Mahatma Gandhi

Famous People, Famous Words...1

Who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This is a question of the first importance for the revolution.

The country is so beautiful, where so many heroes had devoted their lives into it. Sorry that the Qin Emperor or the Han Wu Emperor lacks a sense for literacy; while the founders of the Tang and Song dynasties came short in style. The great man, Genghis Khan, only knew how to shoot eagles with an arrow. The past is past, to see real heroes, look around you.

Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.

We shall support whatever our enemies oppose; and oppose whatever our enemies support.

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

The revolutionary war is a war of the masses; it can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them.

Without an army for the people, there is nothing for the people.

Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory.

If the military and the peasantry unite as one, then none on this earth could possibly subvert them.

by: Mao Zedong

"Let us then live the life of children of God, and let us stop simply usurping that name. God makes clear whenever he pleases that he is the master of heart. He alone can change us;he alone must be glorified for our change; for allowing us to overcome prejudices from birth and habit."

Charles d'Eon de Beaumont (1728-1810)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I am back....

Well sorry to all my friends who is always in update to know what is all of us up to...
Well i am back online is because of "STARBUCKS COFFEE"... Love them they are the best...
Ya if you guy thing that why i said Starbucks is good thing or thinking i am i really in Starbucks, well ya i am in Starbucks now doing blogging at there. Ya, thank to my sister for making flung of the house modem and the wireless thing (sorry forget what is it call ).

So blam her not me who don't want to update in this week...

so sorry that i don't have anything to talk about is because i am not at my room and i can't express out my feeling when i am outside of the house...

P.S A world with out communism or capitalism... that is the world i want to see... But reality continued to betray me.