Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sex is like math = Sex move can apply in math too.

Well lately i been surfing around looking for BMW M3 E92 and also Z4, till i came across with this pic found in Google.

I was shock about the formula for this math move which i don't know who is this Sucker who make this kind of poster and post it up in the internet which sex is like math...

To the person who is responsible about this just remember math is not a topic to laugh about, cause we use math to solve problem. So thing again before you act it again.

"Sex is like math
Add the bed,
subtract the Clothes,
divide the legs...
And pray to god
you don't multiply!"

Well to those open minded people out there please don't hurt little kids out there which is surfing the net. this may spoil their life, family name and also bring in a very negative sign to thier brain. so this is still not the time to let them know sex first.

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